Dealing with Disappointments
No one gets through this life without having to deal with some level of disappointment.
Whether it is personal failure, or health and financial let downs, or relationships that dont turn out as expected, we all have to face these discouragements with godly and spiritual principles guiding our hearts and steps. Otherwise our reactions to life's twists and turns can result in worse things than the original hurts.
This four part Bible Discussion series can help your church of small group navigate these challenges with grace and peace.
- 850 reads
ICOC HotResources was created by Justin Renton along with extremely valuable technical support from Piet Myburgh. The goal was to put quality digital material and everyday ministry resources into the hands of disciples. All of our efforts are on a volunteer basis, and no church or individual currently underwrites our work.
Thank you, and keep praying for us here at HotNews/ HotResources.
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Please note: everything on this site is a digital download.
- 19357 reads
28 Days of Life Changing Quiet Times
Our daily Quiet Times are unquestionably the most important spiritual discipline we establish as disciples of Jesus. As we discover treasures hidden in God’s Word, it is food for our souls. As we meditate on God’s precepts, there is a renewing of our minds. As we hide God’s Word in our hearts we are transformed, strengthened and equipped to fight the spiritual battles that each of us face each day.
Included at the end of this booklet is three articles on 'Overcoming Worry' in our lives, 'Dealing with Depression' and 'Coping with Grief'.
- 15150 reads
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Step 1: Log-in to the site using your username and password that you used to purchase your item
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ICOC HotResources
- 14620 reads
Impress them on Your Children
We are told in Deuteronomy 6:7 that we should impress the scriptures on our children. We should talk about them when we sit at home and when we are on the road. This digital booklet provides twenty-eight memory verses with an accompanying picture to help children memorize God's Word. You can easily load it onto your smartphone and tablet and have your children scroll through while on the way to school in the morning or while you lie in bed before going to sleep.
The pictures create an association that helps with memory function. For example:
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- 6750 reads
The Healing of a Wounded Idealist - Sermon Series
It has been said "if you scratch under the surface of a cynic you will find a wounded idealist". Following on from Justin & Irene Renton's book is the accompanying sermon series.
The Four Part series includes:
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- 6072 reads
A 3rd Helping of Ten Bible Talks for Every Occasion
Following on from our best selling series of Bible Discussions Booklets comes the 3rd Helping. Topics such as:
- Changing your picture of Jesus
- Keys to being an effective Listener
- Dysfunction is the gift that keeps on giving in Parenting
- Soul Food
- Dealing with Disappointment
- 7301 reads
Don't just GO to Church, BE the Church
This five part sermon series challenges every Christian to not just GO to church, but to BE the church the way God intended.
It looks at the numerous methaphors found in the scriptures to describe Jesus’ church, and unpacks their implications and practical applications for us today.
(5 Powerpoints are included in the download & a graphic for invitations)
Audio versions of the lessons can be found here
- 7465 reads
24 Discipling Times for Every Occasion
In Matthew 13:52 Jesus says: " Every student well-trained in God's kingdom is like the owner of a general store who can put his hands on anything you need, old or new, exactly when you need it."
- The word "well-trained" comes from the greek μαθητεία which when directly translated is "discipled".
- This booklet is designed with 24 DP Times. Each one takes one key scripture and thought, asks pertinent questions, that open discussions that can be used for training, mentoring and equipping.
- 7708 reads
Generosity: God's Key to Joyful Living
This 4 part sermon series comes with PowerPoints, 2 Bible Discussions and video's that powerfully illustrate this important virtue:
- Part 1 - God's Generosity
- Part 2 - Our Response
- Part 3 - Overcoming Obstacles to Generosity
- Part 4 - Opportunities for Generosity
- 6928 reads