The Treasure Principle
This four part series focuses on Matthew 6:21 "Wherever your treaure is, there the desires of your heart will be also." (NLT)
Included in this download are:
- 4 sermons in MS Word format
- 4 PowerPoint presentations
- A quiet time booklet to accompany the lessons
- There are 2 Bible Discussions and a BT survey that can be done in conjunction with the series
- There is a graphic for use in a bulletin or Invites to the Sermon Series
- 6119 reads
Generosity: God's Key to Joyful Living
This 4 part sermon series comes with PowerPoints, 2 Bible Discussions and video's that powerfully illustrate this important virtue:
- Part 1 - God's Generosity
- Part 2 - Our Response
- Part 3 - Overcoming Obstacles to Generosity
- Part 4 - Opportunities for Generosity
- 6886 reads
Malachi is a unique book in the bible. It is the last in the Old Testament and the last words God had for his people for four hundred years, the next time He spoke (through scripture) it was to announce the arrival of his Son.
God enters into seven dialogues with his people through Malachi and addresses their attitude toward sacrifice, tithing, the sanctity of marriage, Ezekiel's envisioned temple and the coming Messiah.
This four part sermon series comes with PowerPoints.
- 6455 reads